Saturday, March 23, 2013

Throw back

 This car is very dear to me.  It was one of my first complete car builds from the ground up.  I decided to share this with you from the 1st pic i took of her, to the last.

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Tomb Raider

Not much to say but DAYUM, this game is fun.  I remember back in the day seeing the first Tomb Raider and PSX, and it did wonders for changing the way i thought about video games.  Now that the series has a fresh reboot, its shown me that single player games can still hold my attention.  Everything about this game from how it plays to how its presented(very cinematic) gives me hope that there are still real video game developers out there.  Even though about 50% thru the game, i already regard it as a Diamond in the Ruff compared to all the damn Call of Duty clones out there.  Too bad most people will prolly pass it up for some mindless Twitch based COD mayhem.